Friday, April 17, 2009

Exercise to Improve the Mind

Hi Internet people!

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. I've been somewhat depressed lately. However, I've just started what will hopefully improve my spirits: my new exercise and diet plan!

In fact, I just got back from climbing up the Mountain (Parc Mont-Royal) for the first time in quite a while. I used to climb up the stairs there every day for about two years! Unfortunately I got out of the habit. Since then I've gotten fat and out of shape, and my motivation to return to this practise has declined. But now I've started again. It feels good to go on a long walk through the woods, especially with a steep staircase in the middle.

I also returned to doing some working out last night. I have a pair of 15-lb dumbells I use to do some upper body exercises and I do a whack of abs and lower body exercises as well. Many of the exercises I do come from a book put out by the New York City Ballet Company. They know what they're doing. I've found this routine to work quite well.

The best part about doing these exercise is that they make me feel better about myself, both physically and mentally. Te routine energized me last night. The main hinderence to my motivation is that the routine takes about and hour to do. But hopefully I can get over that.

I've been overeating a lot, mostly by eating at fast food places and buying candy. To start I've just decided to cut out the junk food from my diet and keep track of what I eat.

Eating better should also help me feel better about myself. From past experience, after about the first week of dieting I should already feel a lot better, since I'm not lugging around so much crap in my stomach anymore.

Hopefully, I'll be able to report good things about these plans in a future blog.
'Til nest time!

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